
Oh the Queens we are Surrounded by.


Astoria? Astoria

There's nothing more that says Astoria to me than coming home at midnight from the city on a friday night to my cozy street of broadway and seeing it full of european people running naked drunk through the streets against the lights of traffic with a blatant disreguard for the rules of the American road.

I see them as they yell in languages I don't understand to one another things that probably mean "Why didn't your brother give me that goat, we could have such a feast tomorrow. After all, it's Saturday!" Then again, they might be saying something more to the effect of "watch out for that livery cab, it's going to run you over you stupid drunk greek".

What really hits me about this neighborhood is the way that you keep seeing the same people. I mean the girl who is obviously like 40 years old but dresses like an 18 year old goth chick. You know the one with the pig tails that I once saw on the TV show ambush makeover. They stopped her and said "YOU TOTALLY NEED A MAKEOVER" and she was like, " I don't, I love the way I look." Or the guy who is always drinking a tall boy of some beer outside of that bodega that used to be called 24 blue but now is called moms deli but might totally be a front for some kind of weird pakistani sex ring.

I don't know. I get off the train, and the most annoying thing I can think of is how pedestrians don't really know how to merge. Not that NYC drivers are any better, but I mean come on people. It's just stairs. Wait until you're out of the station before you get on your phones and hold up the stair line.

THE STAIR LINE, subway annoyance is totally another post. Then there's Crescent Lounge. go there if you love us.



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